Dave Clark: Unsung Hereos

Dave Clark is the only man to play professional baseball while on crutches. Contracting polio as a baby would have stopped virtually any other athlete in their tracks. But Dave's dedication, perseverance and love of baseball enabled him to defy the odds.
But no one can do the extraordinary alone. This is also a story of the unsung heroes that aided Dave along his amazing journey. If you or one of your loved ones is faced with an overwhelming obstacle or severe limitation, you will glean inspiration from this conversation with Dave.
D3 Day: https://d3day.com/
Pulling Each Other Along Podcast: https://pullingeachotheralong.com/podcast/
Dave Clark & Ernie Pound Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYGey8tL_9c
Diamond in the Rough: The Dave Clark Story: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/diamond-in-the-rough-dave-clark/1115844806
A Pound of Kindness: https://apoundofkindness.com/
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