Jim Stroesser: Turnaround Artist

Jim Stroesser, founder of Cali Strong, was a transformative leader at Nike, Oakley, Quicksilver, Ralph Lauren and LA Gear. But it was a Converse that Jim earned his reputation as a turnaround expert. We'll learn how Jim overhauled the company, reenergized the brand, exploded sales and sold Converse for three times the purchase price to Nike.
Jim's LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimstroesser/
Cali Strong Website: https://store.cali-strong.com/
Cali Strong Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CALIStrongUSA/
Cali Strong Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calistrongusa/
Cali Strong Twitter: https://twitter.com/CALIStrongUSA