Kirsten Jones: Empower Your Young Athlete

The pressures placed on young athletes and their parents have never been greater. Peak performance and sports parenting coach Kirsten Jones explains how best to navigate these turbulent youth sports waters. This is a must listen episode for those with kids playing sports. Plus, don't you want to know how Kirsten wins over the Russian Red Army at age 24? Enjoy sports fans!
Time-Stamped Show Notes
1:30 - Young Kirsten
2:37 - College Recruiting Saga
5:51 - William & Mary's Debbie Hill
8:33 - The Tide Turns
10:39 - Baseball Buddies: Eli & Dan
11:15 - Fun, Friends & Fundamentals
14:22 - A Good Word Goes a Long Way
15:44 - Coach Baseball
16:42 - Never Too Late
17:27 - Pyramid Scheme
19:39 - It Ain't Easy
20:26 - Mom? Dad?
21:42 - Make it or Break it
22:15 - Flip the Fries!
24:34 - Give me a Break
28:20 - Just Do It
29:39 - Moscow Madness
34:32 - Lightning Round
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